Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tweet my Peeps

Previous thoughts on twitter

When twitter first came out I didn't understand the process or concept. Twitter seemed to be a lost cause of social networking. I had Facebook, so my thought was why do I need twitter. Doesn't it do the same thing? I can update my status, share pictures and it helps me procrastinate. Most of my friends weren't on twitter and thought it was stupid. Therefore, I followed the crowd and didn't set up an account.

But Then.............................

Picture Link
I joined Internet For Educators and was forced to set up a twitter account. I had to discover what twitter was all about and figure out what it meant to #hashtag. I can finally say I like twitter more then I like facebook. I see the benefits in tweeting resources, writing poems, updating events, creating a news feed, and it becomes a facilitator of learning. Twitter can be very benificial in the learning process. However, there need to be rules and regulations set before twitter becomes apart of the classroom.

Thank you

Jen Falk
"Teach long and prosper"- Star Trek

1 comment:

  1. I also like Twitter more than Facebook, especially when it comes to resources and conversations. I also agree with you when you said that their needs to be rules and regulations set in place before Twitter can be used in the classroom, so that students use it properly.
